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2023 NPB Fantasy Hurricane League

League Leaderboard

Team Score Named Storms
Kimmelspice 25.5 Cindy, Katia, Lidia, Sean, Otis
James 20.5 Calvin, Don, Katia, Jova, Lidia
Snapper Trapper 20 Bret, Dora, Fernanda, Irwin, Franklin, Idalia
Soup-a-Loop 19.5 Dora, Hillary, Harold, Franklin, Jova
Gentlemen Start Your Generators 18.5 Don, Jose, Idalia, Nigel, Norma
Left Ball Right Ball 18 Hillary, Rina, Philippe, Otis
Return of the Jodi 16 Ophilia, Rina, Lidia, Tammy
Apocalypse 15.5 Harold, Idalia, Norma, Pilar, Ramon
Balls Deep 13.5 Arlene, Gert, Harold, Kenneth, Otis, Pilar
Catastrophic Wins 13 Cindy, Calvin, Lee, Tammy, Pilar
Nate 13 Hillary, Lee, Nigel, Max, Sean
Landlocked 9.5 Beatriz, Eugene, Dora, Fernanda, Greg, Ramon
Hair of the Dog 8.5 Eugene, Greg, Jose, Ophilia, Max, Norma
Jen 7.5 Gert, Lee, Nigel, Rina, Philippe
Gimme Some of Your Tots 4 Arlene, Beatriz, Franklin, Margot
Kat-10 4 Adrian, Emily, Irwin, Katia, Margot, Tammy
The Lawyer 4 Bret, Beatriz, Fernanda, Sean
Polaris 3 Arlene, Cindy, Jose, Irwin, Jova
Tropical Pork Picnic 3 Adrian, Calvin, Eugene, Gert, Margot, Ramoon
Bob From FPL 2 Adrian, Bret, Don, Emily
Flying Screaming Monkey Dorks 0 Emily, Ophilia, Philippe, Max
Zamfir-Simpson Pan Flute -1 Greg, Kenneth

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