2019 NPB Hurricane League Leader Board
Team Score Named Storms
Tropical Pork Picnic 14 Andrea, Alvin, Barbara, Cosme, Humberto, Lorenzo
Landlocked 11.5 Flossie, Ivo, Dorian, Juliette, Mario, Narda
Return of the Jodi 10.5 Barbara, Erick, Gil, Fernand, Nestor, Pablo
Soup-a-loop 10.5 Gabrielle, Lorena, Jerry, Lorenzo, Priscilla, Sebastien
All Gods Hate Florida 10.25 Andrea, Alvin, Barry, Dalila, Dorian, Narda
The Lawyer 10 Barbara, Erin, Lorenzo, Olga
Gone With the Wind 9 Chantal, Dorian, Juliette, Mario, Karen, Rebekah
Tricky 8.5 Erick, Ivo, Erin, Lorena, Kiko, Olga
Greg 5 Barry, Flossie, Fernand, Pablo, Rebekah
Eddie Sutton Liquor Missle 4.5 Flossie, Humberto, Lorena, Mario, Octave, Octave
First Flight Out 3 Kiko, Melissa, Sebastien
Gentlemen Start Your Generators 2.5 Fernand, Gabrielle, Humberto, Raymond
Mass Destruction 2.5 Erick, Karen, Melissa, Nestor, Octave, Rebekah
Snapper Trapper 2.5 Cosme, Henriette, Henriette, Juliette, Imelda, Nestor
Nadda No Phoney 1 Dalila, Chantal, Jerry, Narda, Raymond
Kitty Girl 2 Barry, Priscilla, Olga
James 1 Cosme, Henriette, Chantal, Imelda, Jerry
Hair of the Dog 0.5 Andrea, Gil, Pablo, Raymond
Kat-10 0.5 Alvin, Erin, Imelda, Karen
Apocalypse -3 Dalila, Gil, Ivo, Gabrielle, Melissa, Sebastien